Thursday 13 October 2011

.. good morning =) ..

 hey guys! =)
so how last night??
have a good sleep? or dream something nice??
but i've got a bad dream last night!
mimpi kete kene pecah! huhu
biase la mimpi kan mainan tdo =)
so bia je la .. ehehe
but went i woke up this morning
make me feel like to eat mcd break1st!
i do love their pancake!
aaaaa... tringin nye.. huhu
plzzz somebody buy it for me
or dear.. plsss bring me there.. ehehe
tringat mse tyme study dulu,
kalau tringin je, bg tahu gha then terus pegi.. ehhe
really miz that moment..huhu
tp tgk jam da 11am so da abes la break1st nye. huhu
but.. suddenly i was thinking about ice cream!
i'm craving for ice cream!
its one of my favorite pleasure in life
its just a ice cream
but it make me feel happy
and now i'm totally think about mcd ice cream..
waaa.. choc top ..choc sundee mc flurry, sundee conneto 
dear! buy me an ice cream!plssss
i will be happy for that .. =)


  1. tau xpe.. masa study dulu kalau rasa nak makan mana2, terus je pegi kan.. miss that moment.. huhu

  2. tau xpe! x pe fara .. nnt kte blk perak makesure penuhkn mse dgn tmpt2 yg akn diingati! make sure de gmba tmpe yg mse part1 smpai part 6 kte g nnt compare! ehhehe


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